Cross-country Tour through Lapland with travellunch

We finally dared to go through with our plan to hike from Abisko to Nikkaluokta in Lapland with cross-country skis. The individual stages had a length of about 15-20 km and lead via Abiskojaure-Alesjaure-Tjäktja-Selka-Singi and over the Kebnekaise.

The arrival was actually very comfortable. With one flight and a night train it is possible to reach the starting point in Abisko, north of the polar circle, within 20 hours from Germany.

Four Germering citizens travel from Abisko to Nikkaluokta with cross-country skis

Thanks to stable weather conditions, the ascent of the highest mountain of Scandinavia, the Kebnekaise, with these cross-country skis became the grand finale. That means an ascent to a height of approx. 2100m. Due to the very northern location, extreme weather conditions can prevail here.

The whole tour through the loneliness and the great expanse of Lapland was a unique experience. The fact that the ascent of the Kebnekaise with skis was possible at the end made this enterprise a grand and unforgettable adventure for all involved.

Along the way there are well-equipped cabins with firewood and a place to camp for the night. At each stop we rewarded ourselves with our practical travellunch provisions.


Next year, a similar route is planned with pulk and tent instead of overnight stays in a hut. Then again, the travellunch rations will constitute the main part of our provisions. Simply heat water on the gasoline stove, and a wholesome meal is secured.

Simply ingenious.

Elke, Markus, Julian and Norman